Prerna Gupta's Article in Business

600 Driving Physicians’ Practices towards Accelerated EMR Implementation
Notwithstanding the incentive bait for ‘Meaningful Use’, and penalty threat for ‘Non-compliance’, there has an encouraging statistics about migration from manual to digital form of healthcare practice management.
Posted on Jan-17-2012

446 Paid-sick-days concept as a preventive option for Federal healthcare expenditure
Coming at a time when Federal Government itself is promulgating radical healthcare reforms to tackle growing medical expenditure on public healthcare, and promote efficient and quality medical care to its ever growing insured population
Posted on Jan-12-2012

515 Fall in doctor office visits by patients under 65
US physicians recently have been experiencing a gradual decrease in visits by privately insured patients younger than 65. IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics, a health care research firm tracked an overall 4% drop in patient visits in 2011 compared with 2010
Posted on Jan-11-2012

702 CMS encouraging physicians for health care reform innovation: grants offered
At last someone is looking to cut healthcare cost innovatively- The Health Care Innovation Challenge program, announced on 14th November, last year is the most recent federal effort by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) to support health care innovations.
Posted on Jan-10-2012

523 Ohio tops in EHR usage, with the other states catching up
According to Ohio Health Information Partnership, around 6,750 doctors in Ohio, the maximum count of physicians compared to any other state, have committed to electronic health records (EHR), leading the nation in usage of EHR’s.
Posted on Jan-09-2012

545 Increasing trend in Hospital Employment: Impact Physician Billing
Health care reform, widely anticipated federal Medicare reimbursement cuts and a variety of changes in the physician workforce, are fuelling more and more physicians to move under the hospital’s umbrella.
Posted on Dec-28-2011

577 Physicians to make the most of 5010 Enforcement Delay
Physicians were mainly relieved with the announcement made by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Office of E-health Standards and Services (OESS) on 17th November, to delay enforcement of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Posted on Dec-27-2011

553 Revenue Cycle Improvements for Physicians and Clinics: An Overview
The revenue cycle management process starts even before the patient visits a physician’s office or a clinic or hospital and ends when full reimbursement is realized. The scope for improvements in the revenue cycle management process
Posted on Dec-12-2011

492 Radiology Finding New Meaning in “Meaningful Use”
Radiologists in the United States are currently facing a dilemma as far as “meaningful use” (MU) of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is concerned. The American College of Radiology (ACR) IT and Informatics Committee leaders
Posted on Dec-09-2011

450 Tackling the Demands Of Gastroenterology Medical Billing in Illinois
Like most of the states in the US, Illinois too boasts of quality medical services. Lying in the Midwest region, Illinois population, being the largest in the region at 12,830,632 as per 2010 census, offers endless opportunities for diverse medical practitioners.
Posted on Dec-07-2011

507 Strategic Realignment to Affordable Care Organization Model – providers perspective
“While physicians embark on such transformational healthcare model, their quantum of Medicare reimbursement, and its amicable distribution among themselves is sure going to be complex issue. Given such complex calculation on Medicare reimbursements
Posted on Dec-07-2011

378 single payer system vermont
Single-payer system: is a healthcare financing system, run by the state, providing universal coverage to all the residents, where both the collection of funds; and the reimbursement are the responsibility of the government.
Posted on Dec-06-2011

544 Dealing with overpayments in your practice
Simple it might seem yet given the time and the resources that such monitoring and reporting eventually consumes, physician practices can find it hard to take up such intensive scrutiny amidst the overriding challenge of keeping their medical service
Posted on Dec-05-2011

496 Shortage of Chiropractic physicians in US
Chiropractors in the United States currently face numerous challenges and the recent health reforms have made a profound impact on this occupation. Moreover, the competition that it faces from other alternative medicinal specialties such as acupuncture, physical therapy
Posted on Dec-05-2011

513 Dermatologists’ Shortage in the US – a medical billing perspective
Contrary to mounting demand, US healthcare industry continues to be plagued by shortage of dermatologists – the physician-patient ratio has grown to be so unhealthy that patients have to wait as long as 38 days just to have an appointment with their physicians
Posted on Dec-05-2011

466 Standards of ethical Medical coding: Part 3
Coding is one of the core functions, and due to the complex regulatory requirements affecting the health information coding process, coding professionals are frequently faced with ethical challenges. Following are the set of guidelines recognized by AHIMA for ethical medical coding.
Posted on Dec-01-2011

568 Mastering the reimbursement battle against payers
Physicians are likely to face another cut in Medicare reimbursements of 27% in 2012, in a scenario where doctors state that insurers regularly underpay or flat out deny, as a matter of course, legitimate health insurance claims worth billions of dollars each year.
Posted on Dec-01-2011

578 CMS to delay enforcing 5010 compliance
Center of Medicare and Medicaid announced that it will delay enforcing HIPAA 5010 transaction sets requiring hospitals, physician practices, health plans and claims clearinghouses to switch to using the ASC X12 Version 5010 standards for the electronic transmission of healthcare
Posted on Nov-30-2011

495 Evaluating the Procedural Constituents of Medical Claim Management Cycle
Given the alarming statistics about medical billing industry average – 14% of all claims submitted to the payers are denied and have to be resubmitted, appealed or written off by providers, 50% of denied claims are never re-filed and 50-70% of denied
Posted on Nov-29-2011

528 Strategic management of physicians’ day-to-day operational issues
Unlike physician practices of yesteryears, physician practices today have found themselves surrounded by a larger pool of stakeholders: patients, government, and insurance carriers. While physicians commitment to quality medical services continues to be unquestionable
Posted on Nov-29-2011

525 New analytics model for future Fraud and abuse system
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid services is poised to take bigger steps in preventing fraud and abuse by increasing its monitoring and analytics capabilities. CMS will conduct enrollment and medical claims analytics to keep frauds out of Medicare
Posted on Nov-25-2011

563 ACO Final rule released
Center of Medicare and Medicaid services released the final accountable care organization rule. ACO’s consist of physicians, hospitals, and other providers in various combinations that attempt to coordinate the care of Medicare patients with the goal of improving its quality while reducing costs.
Posted on Nov-24-2011

538 Some Common Tax Deductions for Physicians
There are many tax deductions for physicians who have their own clinic and even for those who work part time or full time in a hospital. Many such deductions are often overlooked and providers end up paying more than they should which can profoundly affect the revenue and the financial health of a clinic or a health care provider in the long run. Here are some of the most common tax deductions according to the IRS that can be enjoyed and are often overlooked by physicians, clinics and hospitals.
Posted on Nov-04-2011

425 Medicare Cuts and Geriatric Medicine
The proposed Medicare cuts by President Obama and the Congressional “Super Committee” does not bode well for physicians and geriatric medicine in the country. Although the cuts would ensure that Medicare bankruptcy would be postponed and the Federal deficit reduced, it has long term negative consequences for long-term care hospitals, nursing homes, home health facilities, and rehabilitation facilities.
Posted on Nov-03-2011

367 Better Payer Interaction for Physicians
Payer interaction plays a crucial role in ensuring that physicians receive payments in a fair and timely manner. Medical billers and coders who interact with payers need to stay current with major payers (insurance companies, employers, or the government) in order to make sure that errors and delays can be avoided.
Posted on Nov-03-2011